Monday, February 9, 2009

Exercise!?! It's Too Cold!

If you're like me, you're going on 4 or 5 months of little to no exercise. You see a little holiday weight go on, but you don't see it getting off anytime soon. Unless you love cold, you're probably like me and opting out of outdoor exercise. So, with Spring around the corner, it may be time to get back in shape. I suggest the old school 50/50. 50 pushups and situps everyday. The situps will keep that gut tucked away and the pushups will push out the chest far enough so your tee-shirt hangs loosely over your stomach. Of course, some serious running or biking is necessary to burn fat stored up over the Winter, but pushups and situps will suffice for now.

It's also time to cut back on food intake. Cold weather makes food appetizing. Throw in some holidays that expand the stomach and you find yourself looking for food every couple hours. My advice, drink lots of water and snack often to keep your stomach full. When it comes time to sit down for a meal, you won't over indulge. The smaller the serving, the easier it is for your digestive system to break down food. Big meals sit in your stomach for hours, making you lethargic. Keep it small, keep it healthy. Easiest quick fix, no soda and no fast food!

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